Impeccable Table MannersLewis and Max10 CommentsAside from the weeks where somebody I love has died, this week has been one of the most terrible I've...
Impeccable Table MannersYukari and John5 CommentsAfter last week's Belfast fairy-tale, the magical month of March finds us back in London, projecting our misguided need for...
Impeccable Table MannersGráinne and Alexander22 CommentsIn these serious times, there is a feeling of guilt attached to frivolity. A sense, perhaps, that you're playing MarioKart...
Impeccable Table MannersMatthew and Izzy6 CommentsSt Valentine may have packed up his giant helium balloons, petrol station flowers, grotesque life-size teddy bears with matted plush,...
Impeccable Table MannersBen and Maxim11 CommentsTime was, I would review this Blind Date column every week, but nowadays it's very rare for me to do...
Impeccable Table MannersHolly and Johnny16 CommentsThis week's lovestruck strangers are Holly, 42, an NHS service manager, and Johnny, 45, a product manager, both of whom...
Impeccable Table MannersClemmie and Joe19 CommentsThis week on Extreme Tinder: Clemmie, 27, a television writer, meets Joe, 28, a civil servant. Read the full account...
Impeccable Table MannersAlan and Robert11 CommentsWill the first date of November give us something to remember? Only one way to find out. Ducking for apples...
Impeccable Table MannersLauren and Ben8 CommentsOctober! When Haribo finally gets its sh•t together and launches 1,200 different types of foamy gummies shaped like skulls. Kicking...
Impeccable Table MannersAngela and Phil15 CommentsI will be very honest with you, I am a little too browned off about Maggie Smith dying to be...